The Typing of the Ghosts is a Flash game developed by Novel Games that puts your typing skills to the test. Your objective will be to destroy the ghosts that appear on the screen by typing the given words correctly.
When you start you will see a few words spread around the screen and ghosts behind them. You need to kill these ghosts before they get too big, and for that you need to type the words as quickly as you can. Words can be of any length actually; you may find just a single letter, a URL like novelgames.com, or even numbers. As you type, and if you do it properly, the ghost of that word will slowly vanish. But if you make a mistake or fail to complete the word, the ghost will grow and take up one of your lives. As you manage to type the words, the game will speed up until it gets nearly impossible to type fast; it gets really challenging.
The game is over when you run out of lives, besides there are no levels, so the ultimate goal is to survive as long as possible to make a good score, which you can then submit to the game rankings or share with your friends on Facebook or Twitter.
The idea behind this game is really simple but effective enough if you what you're looking for is a free game to kill some time.